daileezfirst icon online diary & journal
Iconize your life
Write your diary in a new way and express your lifestream with icons, short summaries and status reports.
What you can do with daileez:
- use icons for writing a diary - record your moods, feelings, activities, events,...
- write short text summaries and status reports to comment on your life (microblogging platform)
- track your daily bodyweight with weight diary
- share your life with friends and the rest of the world
- publish your Daileez icons and status reports on Facebook & Twitter
- browse thorough statistics of your past, compare your life periods
- see what did the people all around the world yesterday
Why use daileez:
- icon is worth a thousand words - in Daileez it's the icons that really matter
- it's quick, simple and easy
- free sign up
- publish your lifestream microblog at yournick.daileez.com
(see here) - use the Daileez widget on your web pages or blog
- no more hours a week spent writing, just minutes
- private or public diaries
- iPhone app is coming soon
Use Daileez day by day as your free diary
Enjoy your new way of diary writing... ICONIZE YOUR LIFE!